Trailer Illustrations by Peter Wonsowski - Part I

Those of you who've seen the book trailer have seen the sketches and illustrations of Peter Wonsowski, an awesome artist and lovely human being.  To understand how Peter's work came to be part of my trailer, you need a bit of background on Drip's development.

Drip: A Gothic Bromance actually started life as an original screenplay, written and developed by yours truly.  I had hoped to direct it as a follow up to my feature mockumentary, The Devil's Filmmaker: BOHICA.  However, 2008 changed my thinking; the bright filmmaking future of the digital revolution had darkened, with professionalism vanishing from low-budget, indie filmmaking--both in terms of culture and the income.  All the film editing listings my business partner and I saw were looking more and more like low-ball want ads for web-design/computer-programming/graphic-design experts--not what I signed up for.  Then, when the financial collapse hit, my wife and I, who had just gotten engaged, were forced to rethink living in New York City (if you count Astoria, Queens as New York).

In 2010, we relocated to Cleveland, Ohio, where we could afford to start a family.  Soon after, my wife got hired as registrar at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA Cleveland), and I began consulting work in property management.  Still, I hoped to drum up interest in getting Drip made.  I thought about producing some concept art and pitching it to some of the local film programs.

To be continued...